Saturday, December 13, 2014

Ashoka The Great - A Dharmik Samraat by Priyanka S - Nandini Layout Balbharati

Ashoka The Great - A Dharmik Samraat

Ashoka was one of the two greatest emperors of India.He reigned for about 40 years after he became ruler of Magadha in 272 B.C. He was the first king to educate his men and lead them to the path of truth. He was the only military man who gave up warfare.
Ashoka was the grandson of Chandra Gupta Maurya and son of Bindusar. Ashoka was brought up in Pataliputra, the capital of Magadha. In the name of education, he was taught things that would supply learning, culture and wealth.It is said that as a child he was very furious.But after the ascended throne, there was a complete change in his nature.
In year 262 B.C he decided to make an attack on kingdom of Kalinga, now called Orissa & conquered it and added to his empire. The suffering and blood shed in the war had a great impact on his mind. At that time, he met a great Buddhist preacher named, Upagupt. The teachings of Upagupt brought a complete change in his life and character. He made up his mind to establish an empire on love, order and peace. This made him lover of all forms of life. He built hospitals for men and animals and banned animal sacrifice.

He sent missionaries to Tibet, China, Burma Srilanka and deccan to spread Buddhism. He bagen the practice of law of piety. He made 14 principles of law to make people happy.He got them engraved on rocks and pillars throughout his empire.

Ashoka was a man of character. He thought his people to be truthful, honest, dutiful , non-violent and obedient. As a king, he was just and kind. He spent his life in the service of people.

By Priyanka S, 6th Std, Vidhya Vardhaka Sangha, Rajaji Nagar


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