The most important resources for all of us are Air, Water, Food and Nature that provides them to us. Making children aware of them, is not just important but also necessary. There is no better way than learning by experience. With that in mind the Balabharati team at DJRC decided to introduce children to farming and effort it takes to grow food that comes to our tables.
It was decided to grow vegetables in the neighborhood and Children were involved in all the activities - preparing the ground, tilling, manuring, sowing seeds, watering regularly, taking out weeds.
Children although excited in this Journey, started realising it not very easy to grow food. It takes lot of hard work and patience to cultivate and understand its importance, which otherwise is taken for granted. When by the time first round of produce was ready, they were not just happy but also appreciative of the efforts. It will also make them sensitive to not waste food.
This will continue, from the produce, they will sell it to the residents, buy seeds and manure and go
for another round.

It was decided to grow vegetables in the neighborhood and Children were involved in all the activities - preparing the ground, tilling, manuring, sowing seeds, watering regularly, taking out weeds.
Children although excited in this Journey, started realising it not very easy to grow food. It takes lot of hard work and patience to cultivate and understand its importance, which otherwise is taken for granted. When by the time first round of produce was ready, they were not just happy but also appreciative of the efforts. It will also make them sensitive to not waste food.
This will continue, from the produce, they will sell it to the residents, buy seeds and manure and go
for another round.

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