From the results of essay competition at KOMARLA BRIGADE RESIDENCY Balbharati
(2013 February)
Swami Vivekananda - An Inspiration
“Arise , Awake and do not stop till you reach your goal” ... and may more such inspirational words
were given by Swamiji. Swami Vivekananda is such a great inspiration for not just the Indians, but
even for the whole youth of this world.
12th January 1863 became a great day in the history of the world as the birth of this great man
called as ‘Narendra” as he was called in his childhood days was born. A young man of great outlook,
athlete, a resonant voice, brilliant intellect, a scholar of philosophy and music and an undisputed
leader were some of the qualities within him. Don’t forget that I have told only ‘some’. Reason ??
He was one of the few who could convey his ideas in an effective manner with his great
communication skills. This he would do with his loving words , affectionate polite and pleasant
language and with full confidence .People may not be highly qualified or intellectual but understood
his ideas with his speeches.
Such was the talent present in Swami ji. Really great , isn’t it ? In the gathering of 7000 people which
he faced first time in his life, he had no fear in his eyes -> Be Strong , Be Fearless was one of his
He addressed this by saying “Sisters & Brothers of America” and there was a huge applause from the
audience. The words of his speech was filled with the magic of “Love’. As Swamiji said “Love opens the most impossible gates, love is the secret of the world’. Swami Vivekananda was a great religious personality. According to him “The secret of religion lies not in theories but in practice. “To be good and do good” that is the whole of the religion. This is the reason why most of the religious youth of the world are inspired by him.
“My faith is in the younger generation, the modern generation, out of them will come my workers.
They will work out the problems like lions”. These were the words of Swamiji which shows his
expectations from the younger generation and inspires us to do our best until death.
Swamiji’s dream was to make Bharat a world leader again and for that he wanted us to be proud of
who we are, believe in ourselves, be strong, be fearless, and be ready to make sacrifices for our
country. Swamiji’s dream continues to live in every Indian.
So Arise , Awake and do not stop till you reach your goal i.e to make Swamiji’s dream of Bharat as a
world leader a reality.
Kaustubh V , VI C2 , Carmel School, Komarla Brigade Balbharati